
suatu usaha 'menyatukan' dua insan

Keinginan setiap orang, untuk dirinya sendiri

We have our own ego,
you have, so do I
We were dinner together, and that's the chat after, while i was busy in conv with friends

above, the statement in YT, that people is very common if they're enjoy with talking each other

AM I Made A Mistake? sigh

ngoceh keminggris, bukan sok keren, cuma biar gak ilang² banget skill satu²ny yg dipunya 😅, 
keliatan bukan, berantakan, yaaa, begitula

ss in ignya pacar ngkong rosi, si cewe ngpost foto

main picture that picture how the girl loves the man

bedaa amaa foto si ngkong, foto sama cewenya ditaro gak didepan, gak ditengah, deket ujung, setelah foto² kegiatan permobilannya di postingannya

see... this post talks about relationship,, bonding, with my own self, not with somebody else 

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